
Showing posts from March, 2021

Day 43: AZ-140 Pt.6 - Summary

    Summary Quick overview of things to consider: Disclaimers:  In the below, its a list of points to scan over and quickly go away and research. All opinions below are my own and are not representative of any company I am linked with.  All scripts and information followed below is at your own risk and I hold no responsibility if you run any of it in production without testing in pre-production first.

Day 42: AZ-140 Pt.5.2 - Monitor and Maintain WVD - Monitor

   Section 5: Monitor and Maintain a WVD Infrastructure (20-25%) Monitor and manage performance and health The below should cover the following criteria for this section of the exam: Monitor Windows Virtual Desktop by using Azure Monitor Customize Azure Monitor workbooks for Windows Virtual Desktop monitoring Optimize session host capacity and performance Manage active sessions and application groups

Day 41: AZ-140 Pt.5.1 - Monitor and Maintain WVD - Automate

  Section 5: Monitor and Maintain a WVD Infrastructure (20-25%) Automate Windows Virtual Desktop management tasks The below should cover the following criteria for this section of the exam: Configure automation for Windows Virtual Desktop Automate management of host pools, session hosts, and user sessions by using PowerShell and Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) Implement auto scaling in host pools Disclaimers:  In the below steps, it should be noted I am not going to say click this n that, I will give a general overview but you will need to fill in the gaps with your knowledge of Azure.  All opinions below are my own and are not re...

Day 40: AZ-140 Pt.5 - Monitor and Maintain WVD - DR/BCP

  Section 5: Monitor and Maintain a WVD Infrastructure (20-25%) Plan and implement business continuity and disaster recovery The below should cover the following criteria for this section of the exam: Plan and implement a disaster recovery plan for Windows Virtual Desktop Design a backup strategy for Windows Virtual Desktop Configure backup and restore for FSLogix user profiles, personal  virtual desktop infrastructures (VDIs), and golden images

Day 39: AZ-140 Pt.4.2 - Managing Users & Apps - Configure Apps

  Section 4: Manage User Environments & Apps (20-25%) Install and configure apps on a session host The below should cover the following criteria for this section of the exam: Configure dynamic application delivery by using MSIX App Attach Implement application masking  deploy an application as a RemoteApp Implement and manage OneDrive for Business for a multi-session environment Implement and manage Microsoft Teams AV Redirect Implement and manage browsers and internet access for Windows Virtual Desktop sessions

Day 38: AZ-140 Pt.4.1 - Managing Users & Apps - User Settings

  Section 4: Manage User Environments & Apps (20-25%) Configure user experience settings The below should cover the following criteria for this section of the exam: Configure Universal Print Configure user settings through group policies and Endpoint Manager policies Configure persistent and non-persistent desktop environments Configure Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) properties on a host pool Configure session timeout properties Troubleshoot user profile issues Troubleshoot Windows Virtual Desktop clients In the below steps, it should be noted I am not going to say click this n that, I will give a general overview but you will need to fill in the gaps with your knowledge of Azure.

Day 37: AZ-140 Pt.4 - Managing Users & Apps - FSLogix

  Section 4: Manage User Environments & Apps (20-25%) Implement and manage FSLogix The below should cover the following criteria for this section of the exam: Plan for FSLogix Install and configure FSLogix Configure Profile Containers Configure Cloud Cache Migrate user profiles to FSLogix In the below steps, it should be noted I am not going to say click this n that, I will give a general overview but you will need to fill in the gaps with your knowledge of Azure.